This is something I've been thinking about for the past few years. I've seen examples of good leadership and bad and amazingly atrocious. I've seen moral cowardice, and I've seen outstanding inspiration. For the most part, I think of most organization jobs as taking part in a feudal system: the subordinates obey the supervisor, and the supervisor protects the subordinates. And that is part of it, but not all. So here are my thoughts in an essay in bullet point form:
The Duties and Decorum of a Supervisor
v To be available to and supportive of
be physically present when needed
be ever patient and kind, consistent and trustworthy
never criticize subordinates for seeking help
never show temper or dislike or preference.
Where dislike or preference is shown, injustice will be more likely and
will be assumed whether present or not.
This will make subordinates despise the supervisor, which above all must
be avoided
recognize, encourage, and direct towards individual talents
protect subordinates from bullying and injustice from customers and colleagues
v To teach and train subordinates
do so using positive reinforcement insofar as possible
encourage questions
stay up-to-date and accurate on all functions over which one has supervision,
or at least to be aware of the resources for finding answers. To never invent answers when a true answer is
readily available, but to reach out when necessary and without pride
make sure subordinates are aware of regulations and procedures, are properly
trained, and are aware of their resources
correctly set expectations
set an example through dress, timeliness, and willingness to go the extra mile
give feedback without personal criticism or any show of dislike or preference
refrain from criticizing any employee or the organization to a subordinate
v To support fellow supervisors and
the organization
provide a united front with other supervisors.
To bring concerns directly to fellow supervisors and never criticize them
before or undermine them to subordinates
share the workload and provide backup when necessary, including for aggressive
or otherwise inappropriate customers
uphold the regulations and honor of the organization. To never criticize the organization to
subordinates or customers, to follow the rules and legal necessities, and to
properly report illicit or questionable incidents