Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Stories from my six-year-old self

The Real Haunted House
Deborah Natelson
August 17, 1994

     Once there was a little girl, Rainbow Rose, who was very small.  She had a big sister.  One day she and her sister, Rosabelle, went for a ride.  They dropped out of the back of the truck and they thought something was a pretend haunted house, but it really was a real haunted house.
The younger sister was very excited.  She wanted to go in it, because she was wondering what it would look like inside.  She thought, “What fake witches would live in a haunted house?” 
Of course, Rosabelle thought it was a fake haunted house, because she was 13 and her little sister was 10.
And so they went inside.  There was a rainbow trap door and a black trap door.  They thought, “What ugly creatures would live in that black drap door.”  But they were mistaken:  The ugly creatures lived in the rainbow door. 
So they went in the rainbow door because they thought good creatures would live in the rainbow door.  But they couldn’t get out, because once you come in you can’t come out, because it’s a trap door.
Rainbow Rose said, “Why are these called a trap door?”
Rosabelle answered, “Because you’re trapped once you get inside them and you can’t get out.”
They were floating because there was no gravity.  The monsters were slobbering their stew, and then they put a couple of humans in, but they missed Rainbow Rose and Rosabelle.  The girls were glad.
They said to the monsters, “Hey, would you like a candy piece?”  They were tricking them.
The monsters said, “Okay, but it has to be good or we’ll eat you instead.”
They said, “Okay, here’s a piece,” and it was a trick and it really made the monsters’ mouths stuck shut.
But the girls didn’t know that the monsters’ feet were talking, and their stomach opened up and they ate with their stomach.  So the monsters didn’t mind that their mouths were stuck shut.
The girls said, “If you don’t open this door I’m going to send you to Alaska.”
The monsters said, “I’m afraid of Alaska because there are people there.”
“Then why aren’t you afraid of us?” the girls asked.
“Because you’re fat babies.”  The girls looked like babies because they were so small to the monsters.
The girls found the key at last and they went home.


The Trap Door by Deborah Jeanne Natelson

One day I was a prima ballerina and I was stuck in a trap door.  There was a rainbow side and a black side.
But I went in the rainbow one and I went the wrong way.
I travelled from many planets and my home was Jupiter.
One time I landed on a star and couldn’t find my way and fell into a trap door and it was the same one and I went the black way.
And I got back home and then I fell through a trap door.  And slimy monsters caught me and my crew of ballerinas.  And that wasn’t fun.
We almost got thrown in hot lava, but we killed them with a light sword.
And then the whole wide Jupiter fell into the trapdoor.
And I got back to Jupiter.  And I played with my friends.
It was huge.  I was scared.  But my friend helped me not be scared.  And Jupiter got back up from the trap door.  And we lived happily ever after.


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