Saturday, November 30, 2019

How K-Pop Boy Bands Saved the Day - Descent Into Monster

My dog has had anxiety issues this past week.  First, there was a drastic shift in weather (it dropped near zero Fahrenheit with up to 50mph wind gusts and with very low pressure), then there were a number of other little things—a possible low battery fire alarm in the apartment below ours that kept beeping; me moving around my furniture to fit in an inversion table; possible even her digestive supplements. 

Her anxiety worsened until, night before last, she couldn’t sleep.  It was like the Fourth of July all over again, and I had no idea what caused it.  I ended up having to leave my bedroom to sit in the main room after less than four hours of sleep.

I’ve noticed before that I can decrease Flora’s alarm over thunderstorms by watching a film with her.  So last night, when she had sudden high anxiety again as we were going to bed, I considered watching a movie.  But I was very tired, and didn’t want to start one.

Now, I’ve been having trouble editing lately—trouble staying focused.  I’ve always edited in silence; I’ve always had to.  But three days ago, I was desperate enough to try listening to music again.  I started with Dark Sarah’s trilogy (beginning with “Behind the Black Veil”), but partway through—

Actually, I’m not sure what happened.  I wasn’t particularly familiar with k-pop and definitely not boy bands.  My only real exposure was the “Growl” music video by EXO that deservedly went viral a few years back.  But while editing, I went down a rabbit maze of k-pop boy bands, and especially EXO.  Over the course of one evening and two full days, I spent 15+ hours listening to k-pop boy bands and compiling (read: buying with iTunes credit) a playlist.  I then rearranged it so that it told a story.

Here is the YouTube version of the playlist.  I used official music videos when available.  The exceptions are the B.A.P. songs, because their MV are three times longer than the actual songs and mini-movies.  Very good mini movies, (“One Shot” and “Skydive”), and I do recommend watching them (and also the “BTD” (“Before the Dawn”) music video; I used the dance version for the playlist).  But this playlist is for the music.

The story goes like this:

Part 1
Our main character (MC) spends his time doing drugs (“Dope”) until he overdoses and seeks medical attention (“Overdose”).  Now clean, he finds that he’s a loser (“Loner”) with mommy issues (“Mama”). 

Then MC spots a woman and falls in love (“Beautiful”).  Though he knows he’s not good enough for her (“Mr. Simple”) he asks her out (“CALL ME BABY”, “Love Shot”) and to his astonishment, she accepts (“Take You Home”).  For the first time in his life, he’s happy and in a relationship (“Ring Ding Dong”, “EL DORADO”, “Ko Ko Bop”). 

But things start to go wrong (“Dramarama”) and she breaks up with him (“HURT”).  He can’t handle this (“Black Pearl") and begins going crazy (“Psycho”).

Part 2
MC increasingly views women in a predatory way (“Growl”, “Wolf”) and engage in stalking behavior (“Obsession”).  This escalates until he becomes a monster (“Let Out the Beast”, “Monster”).

We meet another character, a former soldier who starts to recognize what is going on (“Skydive”).  They go back and forth, with MC stalking soldier (“Alligator”) and soldier deciding what he must do (“Like Rain Like Music”).  Finally, soldier takes it upon himself to solve the situation.  He ambushes MC (“BOOM”).  They fight (“Shoot Out”), and MC retreats (“Run Away”).  Soldier gives chase (“Follow”) and the two contemplate their situation (“EXODUS”). 

Soldier sees he has one shot at victory, but it'll cost him his life (“One Shot”).  He decides to sacrifice himself to end MC's evil (“Before the Dawn”).

It occurred to me that instead of starting a movie, I could play my new playlist for Flora.  So I set the computer in front of her and hit play.  Immediately, she stopped struggling and freaking out.  She relaxed and soon fell asleep.

I fell asleep too, and woke just before the last song.  I figured that, since it had been nearly two hours, she’d be fine now.  Nope.  The moment I stopped the music, she began freaking out again.  So I got my computer cord, set the playlist on repeat, and hit play.  At once, she calmed back down and went to sleep. 

We listened to the album on repeat all night.  I slept extremely well also—ah, the benefits of <4 hours of sleep the night before—and got in a full eight hours.

So there you have it: how k-pop boy bands saved the day. 

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