Thursday, May 12, 2016

Book Recommendations

I sometimes have trouble finding new books I want to read, in part because I am very picky.  I've therefore compiled a list of some of my favorites.  In cases where an author has multiple books or series I like, I've limited myself to three  (otherwise, I'd have to list pretty much everything Diana Wynne Jones ever wrote, for example) and in many cases to one.  These books range from the cheesy to the serious, juvenile to adult, scientific to flighty.  I've starred the ones I would hesitate before handing to someone under 16 because of sexual content.

Addison, Katherine
            The Goblin Emperor

Bujold, Lois McMaster
*Vorkosigan series (first book: The Warrior’s Apprentice.  Also published in Young Miles).

Butcher, Jim
            *The Dresden Files series.  First book: Storm Front.

Cialdini, Robert
            Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

Clarke, Susanna
            Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell
Dean, Pamela
The Secret Country Trilogy: The Secret Country, The Hidden Land, The Whim of the Dragon

Elgin, Suzette Haden
            The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense at Work

Gaiman, Neil
Goldman, William
            The Princess Bride

Herriot, James
            All Things Bright and Beautiful (quartet)

Jackson, Shirley
            The Haunting of Hill House (I recommend the audio book read by David Warner)

Jones, Diana Wynne
            Archer’s Goon
            The Chronicles of Chrestomanci (first book: Charmed Life)
            Dark Lord of Derkholm
Landy, Derek
            Skulduggery Pleasant series: (first book: Skulduggery Pleasant; published in the US as Scepter of the Ancients)

Lewis, C.S.
            Mere Christianity
            The Screwtape Letters
MacLean, Alistair
            The Golden Rendezvous
            The Satan Bug
            Night Without End
Marks, Leo
            Between Silk and Cyanide: A Codemaker's War 1941-1945. 

McKinley, Robin
Nix, Garth
            Abhorsen trilogy: Sabriel, Liriel, Abhorsen
            The Keys to the Kingdom series: (first book: Mister Monday)
Pehov, Alexey
The Chronicles of Siala: Shadow Prowler, Shadow Chaser, Shadow Blizzard.  Translated by Andrew Bromfield.

Pratchett, Terry
The Discworld series (Not necessary to read in order.  My personal favorite is probably Night Watch)

Rowling, J.K.
            Harry Potter series

Stroud, Jonathan
            Buried Fire
            Bartimaeus series (first book: The Amulet of Samarkand)
Lockwood & Co. series (first book: The Screaming Staircase)
Thurber, James
            The Thirteen Clocks
            The Wonderful O

Velde, Vivian Vande
            Wizard at Work
Wells, Dan
            John Cleaver series (first book: I Am Not a Serial Killer)
            A Night of Blacker Darkness

Zahn, Timothy
            Deadman Switch
The Icarus Hunt
            Manta’s Gift

1 comment:

  1. Very helpful! I bookmarked it. I still have this giant pile of books, although it is less giant now! You'd be so proud (maybe). Your blog has more things in it than my blog. As in, I have zero entries in my blog, haha. So I'm impressed.
