Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Unsung Hero

Imagine someone without the benefits of beauty, intelligence, inclination, culture, or education dropped into a highly dangerous and strange situation. Imagine this person being shot at, venturing into hostile environments where the very sun and climate are painful to the skin. Imagine this person thrust into authority with no idea of what's going on or the different factors. Imagine this person being denied essential information

Now imagine this person rising to the occasion. Imagine this person navigating foreign waters to the best of his ability, striving for the good not only of his own people but of all people. Imagine this person staying kind and honest and brave throughout it all. The person is far from perfect; he can be manipulated by evil people when his friends don't share vital information that they themselves learned from outside sources. But then, anyone can be tricked.

Who is this hero? Jar Jar Binks, of course.

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